হযরত ইমাম হুসাইন (আঃ) এর মর্মান্তিক ও হৃদয়বিদারক মহান কালজয়ী শাহাদাতের স্মরনে ক্রন্দন ও শোক পালনের শরিয়তী বৈধতা ও গুরুত্বঃ
The Importance & Legitimacy to Mourn & Cry for the Shahadat of Hazrat Imam Hussayn (As) –
“হযরত ইমাম হুসাইন (আঃ) এর জন্য ক্রন্দন ও শোকপালন করা স্বয়ং রাসূলুল্লাহ সাঃ {তাঁর জন্য আমি কুরবান হই} এর পবিত্র সুন্নাত! সুতরাং সকল মু’মিনের উচিৎ রাসূলুল্লাহ (সাঃ) এর অনুকরনে ও অনুসরনে মাজলুম ইমামের জন্য ক্রন্দন ও শোক পালন করা।”
“This is the Sunnah of our Beloved Rasulullah Sw {For Whom i Intend to be Sacrificed} to Cry & Mourn for Imam Hussayn, So it is the Duty for all Muslim Ummah to Mourn & Cry for Imam Hussayn.”
দলীল, প্রমান ও তথ্যসূত্রসমূহ:
Proofs, Documents & References:
রাসূলুল্লাহ (সাঃ) স্বয়ং হযরত ইমাম হুসাইন (আঃ) এর শাহাদাতের পূর্বেই আগাম তাঁর জন্য ক্রন্দন করেছিলেন!
Rasulullah (Sw) Cried For the Shahadat of Hazrat Imam Hussayn (As) in Advance before His Shahadat!
Imam Ibn Habban has recorded this in Sahih Ibn Habban, Volume 5, page 142, Hadith 6742. Al-Haythmai in Majma Al-Zawaid, Volume 9 page has recorded a number of traditions wherein we read that Umme Salamah preserved the abovementioned soil in a bottle with her. Al-Albaani records a ‘Sahih’ Hadith:
“Gabriel came to me and informed me that my Ummah will kill my son Hussayn.
I asked: ‘This Hussian?’. He (Sw) replied:
‘Yes’ he then brought me some of its soil that was red.
Narrated by Umm Al-Fadhal Binte Al-Harith that she went to the Holy Prophet (Sw) and said:
‘O Prophet (Sw), I have seen an unclear dream tonight’. He (Sw) asked:
‘What is it?’ She replied:
‘I saw that as if a part of your body was cut off from you and was placed upon my chest’.
He (Sw) said:
‘You have seen something good. Inshallah Fatimah will bear a baby boy and he will be upon your chest.’ So Fatima gave birth to Hussain and he was on my chest as the Prophet (Sw) had notified me.
On one day I went to the Holy Prophet (Sw) and put Hussayn on his chest then he turned his face to the side and I witnessed his (Sw) eyes Flowing with Tears!
I asked: “Prophet of Allah (Sw), may parents be sacrificed for you, what is wrong?”
he (sw) then mentioned it (the above hadith).
@ Reference:
# Silsilah Al-Ahadith Al-Sahiyah
Volume: 2
Page: 462
Hadith No: 821
Narrated by Alqamah from Abdullah bin Masood:
One day we were sitting with Holy Prophet (s) while some children from the house of Bani Hashim came there. When the Holy Prophet (s) saw them, tears welled up in his eyes and he became pale.
Ibne Masood said that he told the Holy Prophet (Sw):
“Your face reflects anxiety”.
The Holy Prophet (Sw) stated:
“Exalted God has granted us, the Ahlulbayit, Hereafter instead of worldly pleasure.
After me, soon my Ahlubayit will face calamity, hardship and misery till people having black flags will rise from East and seek justice, which will be denied them. They will wage war, they will be supported and will be given what they were demanding. They will not accept until it is handed over to one from our Ahlulbayit {i.e. Imam Mahdi (As)} .He will fill the earth with justice as it was filled with unjustice. Whoever amongst you is alive at that period,should try to reach them even if he has to tread on ice in that pursuit.”
@ Reference:
# Sunan Ibne Maja
Volume: 1
Page: 517
Narrated Salma:
“I went to visit Umme Salamah (Ra) {Respected Wife of Rasululah (Sw)} and found her weeping.
I asked her what was making her weep and she replied that she had seen Rasulullah (Sw) {Meaning in a Dream} with dust on his head and beard. She asked him what was the matter and he replied,
‘I have just been present at the slaying of Al-Hussayn.’ ”
@ Reference:
# Sahih Tirmidhi, per:
– Mishkat Al-Masabih
by Khatib Al-Tabrizi
English Version
Tradition No: 6157
Narrated Abdullah Ibn Abbas (Ra):
One day at midday he saw in a dream that Rasulullah (Sw) disheveled and dusty with a bottle containing blood in his hand and said,
“You for whom I would give my father and mother as ransom, what is this?”
He {Rasulullah (Sw)} replied:
“This is the blood of Al-Hussayn and his companions which I have been collecting today.”
He told that he was reckoning that time and found that he had been killed at that time.
@ References:
# Musnad Ahmad Hanbal;
# Dala’il An-Nubuwwah
by Al-Bayhaqi; per:
– Mishkat Al-Masabih
by Khatib al-Tabrizi
English Version
Tradition No: 6172
Hazrat Aisha narrated:
Rasulullah (Sw) said:
“Gabriel informed me that my grandson Al-Hussayn will be killed after me in the land of Al-Taff (Another name of Karbala) and brought me this Turbah (Mudd/Soil) and informed me that this is the soil of the place he will be martyred.”
@ References:
# Tabaqat, by Ibn Sa’d,
# Al-Tabarani, as quoted in:
– Al-Sawa’iq Al-Muhriqah
by Ibn Hajar Haythami
Chapter: 11
Section: 3
Page: 292
Fadhail Sahaba by Imam Ahmed Ibne Hambal, volume 2, page 965, Hadith 1357:
The Prophet (Sw) said:
‘An angel that has never visited me before, entered my house today and said to me:
‘This son of yours will be killed. If you wish, I can give you some soil from the earth wherein he shall die’.
The Prophet (Sw) then said:
‘The angel brought to me soil that was red’’.
In the footnote we read:
The chain is Sahih. He (Ahmed bin Hanbal) has brought this Hadith in his Musnad as did Al-Haythami in Majma Al-Zawaid and has said:
‘Ahmed has recorded this Hadith and its narrators are Sahih and Tabarani has recorded this Hadith from Ayisha with a Sahih chain. And in Majma Al-Zawaid it is mentioned:
‘Ahmed has narrated this as have Abi Ya’la and Tabarani and Bazzar and its narrators are all Thiqaat (Truthworthy).
@ Reference:
# Fadhail Sahaba
by Imam Ahmad
Volume: 2
Page: 965
Hadith No: 1357
***** এছাড়াও রাসূলুল্লাহ (সাঃ) স্বয়ং নিজে তাঁর যুগের অন্যান্য সাহাবীদের শাহাদাতের স্মরনে ক্রন্দন করেছিলেন *****
***** Beside that Rasulullah (Sw) Cried & Mourned for other Shahids in his (Sw) Era ***** :
দলীল, প্রমান ও তথ্যসূত্রসমূহ:
Proofs, Documents & References:
হযরত আমীর হামযা (আঃ) এর শাহাদাতের স্মরনে রাসূলুল্লাহ (সাঃ) এর ক্রন্দন ও শোক পালন:
Mourning & Crying for the Shahadat of Hazrat Amir Hamza (As):
Safiya (Ra), Sayyida Hazrat Fatima (As) and Rasulullah (Sw) Cried over the slain body of Hamza (Ra)!
@ Reference:
# Madarij An-Nubuwath
Volume: 2
Page: 152
”Safiya came and stood by the head of Hamza’s (Ra) body and she along with Hazrat Fatima kept crying for him and due their mourning, Holy Prophet (Sw) also started crying.”
@ Reference:
# Shaykh Muhammad Abdul Haq Mohaddith Dehalvi writes
হযরত জাফর আত তাইয়্যার (আঃ) এর শাহাদাতের স্মরনে রাসূলুল্লাহ (সাঃ) এর ক্রন্দন ও শোক পালন:
Mourning & Crying for the Shahadat of Hazrat Jafar At Taiyar (As):
》Ibne Ishaq narrates that on the day when Jafar Ibne Abi Talib (Ra) was martyred in Ghazwa Moutah; Holy Prophet (Sw) called upon Abdullah Ibne Jafar (Son of Hazrat Jafar) and made him sit on his lap and started kissing his forehead and eyes, while tears were Flowing from his own Holy eyes.
The Sahaba inquired:
“O Prophet of Allah! Is it so that some grieving news has come about Jafar that has made your tears flow?”
The Holy Prophet (Sw) replied:
“Yes, Today Jafar has been martyred there, but the troubles and the plight that he went through before being martyred is very grieving.”
@ Reference:
# Al Bidayah wa An Nihaya
Ibne Qasir
Volume: 4
Page: 673
“বিখ্যাত সাহাবী হযরত আব্দুল্লাহ ইবনে আব্বাস (রাঃ) হযরত ইমাম হুসাইন (আঃ) এর জন্য ক্রন্দন করেছিলেন। যেহেতু স্বয়ং রাসূলুল্লাহ (সাঃ) ও তাঁর প্রকৃত সাহাবীগণ হযরত ইমাম হুসাইন (আঃ) এর জন্য ক্রন্দন করেছিলেন, সুতরাং এটা রাসূলুল্লাহ (সাঃ) এর পবিত্র সূন্নাত যা পরবর্তীতে তাঁর ন্যায়পরায়ণ সাহাবীগণের দ্বারাও অনুসৃত হয়েছে! তাই আমাদের জন্যও এটা হযরত ইমাম হুসাইন (আঃ) এর জন্য ক্রন্দনের দলীল ও নিদর্শন।”
“Prominent Sahabi Hazrat Ibne Abbas (Ra) Cried & Mourned for Imam Hussayn (As). It is been followed by the Great Sahabas of Rasulullah (Sw) to Mourn & Cry for Shahid like Imam Hussayn (As). So, we should also follow the Sunnah of Rasulullah (Sw) & his Great Shahabas (Ra) like Ibne Abbas in terms of Crying over Imam Hussayn (As).”
দলীল, প্রমান ও তথ্যসূত্রসমূহ:
Proofs, Documents & References:
“When Imam Husayn was killed, Ibn Abbas kept weeping until he became blind”
@ Reference:
# Tadhkirat Ul Khawwas
Page: 90
“He (Ibne Abbas) lost his eyesight due to weeping over ALi, Hassan and Hussayn”.
@ Reference:
# Muruj Al-Dahab
by Masoodi
Volume: 1
Page: 392
মহান আল্লাহ পাক দুনিয়াতে ফেরেশতা পাঠিয়েছেন হযরত ইমাম হুসাইন (আঃ) এর জন্য শোক ও ক্রন্দন করার জন্য, সুতরাং এটা মহান আল্লাহ পাকেরই ইচ্ছা যে সকলে মহান আল্লাহ পাকের এই অত্যন্ত প্রিয় দাস হযরত ইমাম হুসাইন (আঃ) এর জন্য ক্রন্দন ও শোক পালন করবে”
“Allah have sent Angels to Mourn & Cry for Imam Hussayn (As), so it is the Wish of Allah that we also Cry & Mourn for his Beloved Slave Imam Hussayn (As).”
“70,000 angels came to the grave of Hussayn Ibne ALi after his martyrdom and they wept for him and will keep weeping unto the Day of Judgment.”
@ Reference:
# Ghanyatut Talibin
by Abdul Qadir Jilani
Page: 430
“শুধু মানবজাতি আর ফেরেশতারাই না, বরং জ্বীনরাও হযরত ইমাম হুসাইন (আঃ) এর জন্য ক্রন্দন ও শোক পালন করে। এটা সৃষ্টির সকলের মহান আল্লাহ পাক প্রদত্ত ফিতরাত যে তাঁরা হযরত মাজলুম ইমাম হুসাইন (আঃ) এর জন্য ক্রন্দন ও শোক পালন করবে। তাই আমাদের সকলেরই উচিৎ ইমাম হুসাইন (আঃ) এর জন্য ক্রন্দন ও শোক পালন করা।”
“Not only Human Beings & Malaika (Angels), but also Jinns Mourns for Imam Hussayn (As). It is the Natural Fitrat of all Creations to Mourn & Cry for Imam Hussayn (As). So, we should also Mourn & Cry for the Beloved Grandson of Rasulullah (Sw).”
It has been narrated that after Hussayn’s Martyrdom:
Umme Salamah (Ra) {The Beloved Wife of Rasulullah (Sw)} said:
I heard the Jinns (The Unseen Creatures) are Mourning for Al-Hussayn.”
# Tarikh Al-Kabir, by Al-Bukhari (The Author of Sahih Bukhari), Volume: 4, Part: 1, Page: 26
– Fada’il Al-Sahaba, by Ahmad Ibn Hanbal (Founder of Hambuli Mazhab), Volume: 2, Page: 776, Tradition No: 1373
– Tabarani, Volume: 3, Page: 130-131
– Tahdhib, Volume: 7, Page: 404
***** ***** ***** ***** *****
“শুধুমাত্র জীবিত প্রাণীরাই নয়, বরং প্রকৃতিও হযরত ইমাম হুসাইন (আঃ) এর জন্য ‘ক্রন্দন ও শোকপালন’ করে থাকে! সুতরাং মানুষের অবশ্যই উচিত মাজলুম হুসাইন (আঃ) এর জন্য ক্রন্দন ও শোকপালন করা, যেহেতু আমাদের আত্মা মৃত পাথরের “মত নয় যা কখনই ক্রন্দন করেনা।
“Not only Living things, but also the Nature ‘Cries & Mourns’ for Imam Hussayn (As). So, we should obviously Cry & Mourn for Imam Hussayn (As) if our Souls are not like Dead Stone that Never Cries.”
“The Sky Wept for Forty Days on (The Martyrdom of) Imam Hussayn”
– Yanabi Ul Mawwaddah by Allamah Shaykh Sulaiman Al-Hanafi Al-Qanduzi, Page: 392
Abu Qabil said:
‘When Hussayn Ibne ALi was killed, the Sun was Eclipsed (So Long) so that the Stars appeared in the Middle of Day’
– Tahdib Al-Kamal by Jamaluddin Al-Mizi, Volume: 6 Page: 433
Shah Abdul Aziz Dehlavi has narrated the lamenting and wailing of Jinn on page number 96 of his book titled “Sirrush Shahdatain”. He has also quoted the verses of the elegy, which was recited by the Jinn while weeping over Imam Hussayn (As).
– Sirrush Shahdatain by Shah Abdul Aziz Dehlavi, Page: 96
Ummul Muminin Umme Salma (Ra) has also narrated as recorded by Imam Abi Bakar Al-Haythami:
”I heard the jinns mourning for Hussayn Ibne ALi’.
Tabarani has recorded it and all its narrators are narrators of Sahih.
– Majma Al-Zawaid, Volume: 9, Page: 199, Tradition No: 15179
‘Maymunah said:
‘I heard the Jinns are Mourning for Hussayn Ibne ALi’.
Tabarani has recorded it and all its narrators are narrators of Sahih’
– Majma Al-Zawaid, Volume: 9, Page: 199, Tradition No: 15180
Abu Naeem Al-Asbahani records in Marifat Al-Sahaba, Volume: 5, Page: 333, Tradition No: 1686
Habib bin Abi Thabit said:
‘I heard the jinn mourning over Al-Hussayn’
– Marifat Al-Sahaba, Volume: 5, Page: 333, Tradition No: 1686
Abi Habab Al-Kalbi said:
‘Some grave diggers said:
‘Whenever we went out side at night to the cemetery during (the days) of the Al-Hussayn murder, we heared the Jinn mourning over him’
– Marifat Al-Sahaba, Volume: 5, Tradition No: 1687
Mazidah bin Jabir Al-Hadhrami narrated from his mother that she said:
‘I heard the jinn Mourning over Al-Hussayn’
– Marifat al-Sahaba, Volume 5 page 333, Tradition 1688
Allamah Jalaludin Syuti writes that Ibrahim (Ra) said:
Since the creation of the world, the heaven and the earth have cried for none else other then two men. The people asked him:
“Do not the heaven and the earth cry for the Momineen?”
He replied:
“When they are virtous his privilege is linked to his status and deeds.”
He then asked them if they knew how the heaven and the earth cries.. The people replied in the negative, therefore he said:
“It becomes fiery and red, just as the red boiling oil. The day when Yahya bin Zakarya (As) was martyred the sky had got red and blood was dripping from it and the sky had also got red the day Imam Hussayn was martyred.”
– Tafseer Dur Al-Manthur, Volume: 7, Page: 413, (Surah: Dukhn Verse: 29)
Allamah Syuti further states that Zaid bin Ziyad has reported:
Zaid bin Zyad (Ra) said:
‘When Husayn was martyred, the corners of the sky remained red for a four month period’.
Imam Ibn Jarir Tabari in his Tafsir Tabari, Volume: 22, Page: 33 and Wahabi scholar Nawab Molvi Siddiq Hasan Khan Bhophali in Tafsir Fatah-Ul-Bayan, Volume: 8, Page: 326, stated:
Al-Seddi said:
‘When Hussain bin Ali (r) was killed, the sky started weeping for him, the weeping of the sky was by turning red’.
Ibn Shehab said:
‘After the martyrdom of Hussain fresh blood started to gush from wherever stones were picked up.’
– Mu’ajam Kabir by Imam Tabarani, Volume: 3, Page: 113
Imam Abi Bakar Al-Haythami records in Majma Al-Zawaed, Volume: 9, Page: 316, Tradition No: 15160
“Al-Zuhari said:
‘After the martyrdom of Hussayn, fresh blood started to gush from wherever stones were picked up.’
Tabarani has recorded it and all its narrators are narrators of Sahih”.
We further read:
“Um Hakim said:
‘I was a young girl on the day Al-Hussayn was killed and the sky turned into red for days’.
Al-Tabarani recorded it, and the narrators until Um Hakim are the narrators of the Sahih”.
– Majma Al-Zawaed, Volume: 9, Page: 316, Tradition No: 15161
Allamah Ibne Hajr Makki Al-Haythami writes in his Sawaiq Al Muhriqa book:
“After Imam Hussayn’s martyrdom the sky kept crying continuously for seven days, the walls seem to be wearing coloured sheets and it is a proven fact that darkness prevailed over the world for three days and then a reddish light was apparent on the sky.”
He further quotes Abu Sa’eed:
“The day Imam Hussayn was martyred, no stone was picked in the world that did not have blood under it, blood kept oozing from the sky and the affects remained on the clothing for a long time, until the clothes became worn out.
… Sa’lbi has said that the sky kept crying for Imam Hussayn’s martyrdom and the sky’s crying was its turning red.
Besides Sa’lbi a few others have said that the corners of the sky remain red for six months after Imam Hussayn’s martyrdom and then it started to emerge every now and then.”
… Ibne Seerin has said that they have come to know that this reddish light that emerges with the evening twilight did not exist before Imam Hussayn’s martyrdom.”
… Ibne Sa’ad has written in his Tabaqaat that that redness was not seen on the skies before Imam Hussayn’s martyrdom.”
– Sawaiqh Al Muhriqa, Page: 623-624
In Arjyah Ul-Matalib, page 347-348, Deobandi scholar Maulana Ubaidullah Amritsari states:
“The occurrence of these natural calamities was for the admonition for the masses after the martyrdom of Imam Husayn (r). Basra Adhwiya says that when Imam Husayn (r) was martyred it started to drizzle and by the morning all of their pots and water-drums were filled with blood. Zuhri (r.a) says that on the day of Imam Husayn’s martyrdom no stone was picked in Jerusalem that did not have fresh blood under it. Sufyan Thuri (r.a) narrates that his grand-mother was a young slave-girl at the time of Imam Husayn’s martyrdom; she had said that the sky kept weeping for him for many days. Ammar e Yasir (r) has narrated that the Holy Prophet (s) had said that the heaven had once cried for Yahya bin Zakariya and it will also cry upon the Holy Prophet’s (Sw) son (Hussayn)”.
Ibne Hajr Al Haythami Al Makki in his Sawaiqh Al Muhriqa records a tradition wherein:
“Hazrat ALi, while passing through Karbala (At the Time of Siffin War), stopped at the place where Hussayn was going to be buried and said:
“Here Hussayn and his comrades will be slain and the heavens and the earth shall weep over them”.
***** ***** ***** ***** *****
“স্বয়ং রাসূলুল্লাহ সাঃ {তাঁর জন্য আমার দু’চোখ কুরবান হোক} তাঁদেরকে আশীর্বাদ ও দু’আ করেছেন, যাঁরা হযরত হুসাইন ইবনে আলী (আঃ) এর জন্য ক্রন্দন করে। সুতরাং এটি মহান আল্লাহ পাক ও তাঁর রাসূল (সাঃ) এর কাছে অতি পছন্দনীয় বিষয় যে আমরা ইমাম হুসাইন (আঃ) এর জন্য ক্রন্দন করব। এবং যাঁরাই এরূপ করবে তাঁরাই মহান আল্লাহ পাক ও তাঁর রাসূল (সাঃ) এর নিকট প্রশংসিত ও পুরষ্কৃত হবে।”
“Rasulullah (Sw) Blessed those who Cries for Imam Hussayn (As). So, it is Recommended by Allah & His Rasul (Sw) to Mourn & Cry for Imam Hussayn (As), & whoever will do it will be Praised & Rewarded by Allah & His Rasul (Sw)”
“Narrated on the authority of Ahmed bin Isra’el: ‘I read in the book of Ahmed bin Muhammed Bin Hanbal written by his own hand writting on the authority of Aswad Bin Amer Abu Abd Arrahman on the authority of Al-Rubay bin Mundher on the authority of his father that Al-Hussain use to say:
‘Whom so ever eyes cries a drop of tears on us or sheds a one drop of tears on us, Allah will reward him with paradise’
– Fadhail Sahaba, Volume: 2, Page: 675, Tradition No: 1154
The Prophet (Sw) said:
‘Whoever on the day of Ashura weeps for my son Hussayn, Allah will place that person in Paradise alongside the Ulil Azam Prophets.”
– Allama Ibne Hajar Asqalani has recorded this tradition in his renowned book Isaba, Volume: 1, Page: 226
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